Catholic Women Disciples


Our Beginning

Catholic Women Disciples: What is it, How it Began, and Why?

I was motivated to create Catholic Women Disciples after reading the book Poem of the Man God by Maria Valtorta, a Catholic mystic who was known to have been receiving visitations from Jesus and His Mother, Mary, from 1943 to 1951.

Deeply moved by the written account of Maria Valtorta on the events of the life of Jesus and Mary whom Jesus Himself recounted to said mystic and showed to her in actual, or first hand experience, I was greatly motivated to create Catholic Women Disciples.


According to historical accounts, George Washington converted to Catholicism before his death. The newspaper, Denver Register, published on 24 February 1957 a brief account detailing that possibility. It said, there was a traditional belief among the Maryland Province Jesuit Fathers and local slaves that the first President died a Catholic. This belief stemmed from the account that Jesuit priest Father Leonard Neale, S.J., was summoned to Mount Vernon from St. Mary’s Mission across the Piscataway River, on the night Washington passed away. Prior to the Denver Register report similar details appeared in The American Catholic Historical Researches (1900) by Martin Griffin. Accordingly, the night before Washington died, his servant sought out a Catholic priest amid a raging storm. Thereafter, a Jesuit priest was ferried to Mount Vernon. He spent three hours with Washington before departing, reportedly satisfied that Washington’s soul was secure. The Jesuit was said to have documented the

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We are Published!

Our Book – “Writings in Spirit” is a compilation of the Author’s early writings. It explores diverse topics that resonate with the Catholic faith and practices and offers a wide array of hope and inspiration to readers of all backgrounds.

The book weaves together spiritual insights, reflections on faith, and presents stories about Catholic practices that have brought victory over life’s struggles.


Our Story

Catholic Women Disciples was birthed out of a desire to further the knowledge and wisdom of women (as well as men – why not!) about the Church that Jesus built two thousand years ago here on earth.

It aims to empower women – not by striving to put themselves aggressively infront of the leadership arena but – by humbly submitting to the primary role that Jesus gave to them when He elected the first women disciples, and that was to support the men in their task of making disciples to all nations of the earth.

The creator of this website is a wife, mom and grandma to three adorable kids (one girl and two boys). She spends her spare time writing in her blogs (and perfecting this website, which never happens – obviously!).


She loves to read religious (mostly Catholic) books.


Hermie Climaco is a passionate Catholic and aims to share to the world her faith and spiritual journey as a Catholic through this website.

Thank you for visiting Catholic Women Disciples. A place of learning, wisdom, faith development and spiritual and personal enrichment for women in the Catholic Church.

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Convallis justo efficitur feugiat condimentum rutrum conubia natoque nisi sodales praesent. Sollicitudin lacinia penatibus pulvinar nisi montes. Ex fames hendrerit netus lacus taciti curabitur felis ac.