Catholic Women Disciples

Catholic Women Disciples

Catholic Women Disciples: Relearning the Role of Women in the Church

This website – Catholic Women Disciples – is created as a place to relearn the role of women in the Church and to equip both young and adult women with the right knowledge and understanding of the faith.

This is a venue for calling attention to the rightful place of us women in God’s Kingdom as well as to our role of furthering God’s Kingdom on earth.

Likewise, Catholic Women Disciples endeavors to showcase the Divine origin and truth of the Catholic Church – – that it is the One True Church whom God Himself established when He came down here on earth two thousand years ago – – and the participation of women – – as exampled by the early women disciples of Jesus – – in the establishment of that Church.

I was greatly motivated to create Catholic Women Disciples upon reading the book Poem of the Man God by Maria Valtorta, a Catholic mystic who’s been receiving visitations from Jesus and Mary from 1943 to 1951.

Deeply moved by the written account of Maria Valtorta on the events of the life of Jesus and Mary whom Jesus Himself recounted to said mystic and showed to her in actual, or first hand experience, I was greatly motivated to create Catholic Women Disciples.

The Bible said that Jesus did many more things during His earthly ministry that if one would write all of them the world itself could not contain all of them.

“But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”

John 21:25


The 5-volume book, Poem of the Man God, as shown below contained many unwritten accounts of Jesus’ works and life here on earth, which Jesus Himself revealed to Maria Valtorta – – for the world to know.

(Note: Below’s images contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission if you click on them and make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.)

These books tell so much more about our Catholic faith. They added more to what we know and or what’s recorded about our Catholic faith. As you read them, they will touch your heart and mind and will give you a clearer understanding and a renewed devotion and love for our Catholic faith.

It is my hope that Catholic Women Disciples, as a new information venue of our Catholic faith will succeed in exploring the riches, beauty and the real truth of the Church that Jesus established for us and will help pave the way to rediscovering the role of Catholic women in the Catholic Church and their role in building God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Perhaps by reclaiming and living the true role of women in these present times the world would deviate from all negativities that’s been going on and turn into what it really is – the Kingdom of God.


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