Catholic Women Disciples

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Stories, opinions and inspirations from the vast spiritual repository of the Catholic Church.

about us

Catholic Women Disciples was birthed out of a desire to further the knowledge and wisdom of women (as well as men - why not!) about the Church that Jesus built two thousand years ago here on earth.
It aims to empower women - not by striving to put themselves aggressively infront of the leadership arena but - by humbly submitting to the primary role that Jesus gave to them when He elected the first women disciples, and that was to support the men in their task of making disciples to all nations of the earth.

hermie climaco

The creator of this website is a wife, mom and grandma to three adorable kids (one girl and two boys). She spends her spare time writing in her blogs (and perfecting this website, which never happens - obviously!).

She loves to read religious (mostly Catholic) books.

Hermie Climaco is a passionate Catholic and aims to share to the world her faith and spiritual journey as a Catholic through this website.


TO YOUR JOURNALING . . . and more

“Writings in Spirit” is a compilation of the Author’s early writings. It explores diverse topics that resonate with the Catholic faith and practices and offers a wide array of hope and inspiration to readers of all backgrounds.

The book weaves together spiritual insights, reflections on faith, and presents stories about Catholic practices that have brought victory over life’s struggles.

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